在2013年的时候,我在没有使用药物的情形下,经历了一个萨满的神视之旅,结果被总领天使圣弥额尔打断了。他让我去 Old Mission San Miguel Arcangél 教堂参加将临期的弥撒。当时我并不知道 San Miguel就是 San Michael Archangel 圣弥额尔,我只知道那是一个叫San Miguel的教堂。于是我最好的朋友,也是我这个萨满教圈中的一份子和我一起去了。我们当时并没有就加入教会,而且之后也没有再去参加弥撒。第二年,圣母玛利亚又给了我一个神视,再次告诉我去同一个教堂去参加将临期的弥撒。我最好的朋友和我于是又去了一次。我们的圣母玛利亚给了我许多的梦和神视,于是我们开始正式参加天主教的教理课程。通过学习真正的天主教信仰,而且参加了第三阶段的方济各会的会议,我们的心被转化了,并在2015年五旬节的那天正式地通过坚振圣事成为了天主教徒。我们现在都是全心奉献的天主教徒,是世俗方济各会第三阶(OFS)。
My Catholic conversion story (from paganism)My Ludad Romany family were Catholics when I was a kid, but my immediate family never went to church. I started going to a Baptist Church with my cousin when I was 6 or 7 years old because I wanted to be with God. I was even in the children’s choir. In my late teens, I became disillusioned with the Baptist Church for complicated reasons, and tried out various churches, including the Catholic Church after a vision I was given of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus. The priest of that parish was mean and I gave up on catechism classes. I eventually left Christianity, and started following an eclectic shamanic pagan path, soon becoming high priest of a circle. I stayed pagan for around 20 years.In 2013, I was undergoing a shamanic vision journey, without the aid of drugs, and Saint Michael the Archangel interrupted it to tell me to go to mass for Advent at Old Mission San Miguel Archangél. I didn’t realize at the time that San Miguel was referring to Michael the Archangel. I just knew it as Mission San Miguel. So,my best friend, who was part of my pagan circle, and I started doing so, but we didn’t join the church at that time, and we stopped going to mass.The next year, the Blessed Mother Mary sent me a vision telling me once again to start attending mass at that same parish for Advent. My best friend and I did again.Our Mother Mary sent me a number of dreams and visions, and this time we started taking adult catechism classes. Through learning what the church actually believes, and attending Third Order Franciscan meetings, our hearts were converted and we were confirmed on Pentecost in 2015. We are now both devout Catholics, and Third Order Secular Franciscans (OFS.)